Friday, February 8, 2008

Not far away now

So I am writing this from the hospital with Cami, Mary Lou, and my Mom and Dad. We got here around 7:15 am and it is not 9:48am. Cami has just started having a few contractions and things seem to be progressing as they should. Thank you for all your prayers as we continue on this exciting journey.

Here are some pictures from today. Hope you enjoy them.


Ruth Staggs said...

I love the picture of Cami in the hospital bed - smiling! no way -- precious memories. Praying for you guys, ruth

ShaWAna said...

Um, can I take a moment and just say that I am a bit bummed that this is the first time I'm finding out about this blog? I mean, hello! Silly me keeps checking for updates on all of Cami's sites and what-not (obviously to no avail) and no one ever told me that Gus had one. Sheesh! Okay, it's not all about me so I'll say OH MY GOODNESS I can hardly stand my excitement!! I can see the hospital from my building and I just can't stand that so near me, you guys are having the experience of a lifetime. Woo hoo! I woke up w/ excitement for you and have been praying as I drove by the hospital twice (not because I'm stalking...I had to go to Lindora). So, know that so many people are praying and can't wait to get a glimpse of your little man in just a few? short? hours. Love ya! P.S. Cami, you are a BEAUTIFUL Mom!