Monday, May 5, 2008

Being a Mommy

So, we've been lacking in publishing posts on this blog too (today I published my first post on my personal blog since August 2007....yeah). It's May 5, and in three days, AJ will officially be 3 months old. I love it.

So much has happened and he changes so much everyday. Rather than rack my post-preggie brain for all the recent changes, I will discuss the newest (and most fun so far) one. This past week he seems to have found his voice. He becomes more aware and "social" everyday it seems. But he's really started "talking" and jabbering. It started mostly with talking to Star-Star- a stuffed star that plays music and lights up which is attached to his play gym. The morning routine is to put him in his play gym after being fed, before his morning nap. He has always seemed to love this time, but it's like he has time with his friends in the morning now. Today, I moved him so that Mr. Duck (a stuffed, green duck that squeaks when you squeeze him) was right above his left arm. Well, AJ had a full jabber, squealing, giggling conversation with him, while batting at him with his little fist. His arms are long enough now that he can touch his play gym friends, and Mr. Duck was for surely flying around this morning.

His talking gets going again while changing his morning diapers. My heart soars when he makes eye contact with me, smiles his silly little grins and says "hi" (if you say "hi" over and over, he'll repeat the 'i' vowel sound and it sounds like he's saying "hi" back to you). I never imagined the love I experience when this silly conversation happens. It's hard for me to put him down for a nap- I just want to keep talking to him.

Lastly, he talks to himself. Yesterday, he barely cried for any of his naps, but Gus and I would hear him in his crib, talking away. I wonder what his little brain is thinking- it's just amazing to see how fast he has changed even this past week. Good times had by all. He'll be talking up a storm this weekend with both sets of grandparents in town for his dedication and Mother's Day. I can't wait!

1 comment:

GrammyClaire said...

loved your blog. I can't wait to see him and talk to him too!!!